Tagline: It's Big, It's Bad and It Bites!
(Action, Adventure, Comedy) [R]
This movie starts out in 1986 where the father of two boys named Duff and Les is bitten by a snake and killed at a snake handlers church. Fast forward 20 years and Duff is still fascinated with snakes. He goes to a tattoo shop owned by Screaming Hawk (played by Ben Cardinal) to buy more snakes. He decides he wants a small one, but it’s not for sale so of course he just steals it after being told it’s massively dangerous. It doesn’t take long before a tragic set of stupid decisions leads to the snake's escape and seemingly minute by minute it’s getting larger and larger. Can Les and Duff deal with this giant terror before the mega snake eats the entire town and all the freakin chickens?
First off the CGI in this is horrible as expected with very few decent shots. So outside of that for a b-movie, we are looking at plot, dialog, acting, etc. Well first off, it was a good decision to add Siri Baruc (best known for GLASS TRAP) as Erin. She plays Les Daniels x-girlfriend. He sucks at committing so that is why she is his x now. Michael Shanks who plays Les is actually likable to an extent and does get some character growth throughout the film. Sadly outside of that, this thing is pretty freakin rough. Ben Cardinal is a good actor, but this script gave him little to work with.
I think this story could have been better if they hadn’t tried to cram in a “snake handler” background and then maybe stuck with the Native American storyline regarding the snake and the legend behind it. For me, that part worked and even explained why we still have this snake that could potentially eat the town, is even still alive. The rest of the movie with Les and his being an idiot actually works fine for a b-movie like this.
MEGA SNAKE is another one of these movies that is trying to show you how the snake sees in a lot of the instances where it’s chasing someone. I am becoming less and less tolerant of this, just because it’s so played out. They are giving these animals weird vignette camera work and it just looks wonky while disrupting the cinematic flow of the movie. These shots and some other just poorly directed and acted scenes stand out like a sore thumb especially because we do get a few decent moments.
This is billed as a bit of a comedy and some of the lines are funny, but I wouldn’t call it a comedy. Having said all that, for what it is, this one is in the top half the b-movies being put out these days. Given that this was from Millennium Films however and they have made everything from ANGEL HAS FALLEN to CONAN THE BARBARIAN, I would have expected better, even if this was a made-for-TV movie. For those reasons, I can’t give this one any higher than a 3 out of 7. For some, it will be a 4 out of 7.
Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless. Until next time.
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