Tagline: The ultimate low-budget experience - a killer turkey horror/comedy

(Horror, Comedy, Absolute Nonsense) [R]

I’m sorry for everything I said last night, I guess I was a little beaked out, I mean, freaked out…

So back in the day, a really angry native American decided to possess a turkey and kill everything it sees over Thanksgiving break. For some reason, the turkey makes jokes like Freddy Kruger with a contemporary English accent, but that’s not important right now. That’s it, that’s the plot. 

Okay, so if you venture to this neck of the comedy horror woods, just know this is a movie that probably costs about $150.00 bucks to make. After watching the trailer, I decided to skip reviewing or even watching this movie, but decided to because I got a request to review it in an online movie group. I try to take requests even if my docket is already massive, so finally, over a year later I am getting to this thing. The effects are nearly non-existent and the acting is beyond bad. Most of the main cast hasn’t been in more than 2 movies. Natasha Cordova who plays Ali was in several films but seems to have stopped acting in 2012.  Ryan E. Francis who plays Darren was in 3 movies, but he was also a producer on those films. Lindsey Anderson who ends up playing a major role as Kristen was literally brought on to the project just days before filming after being spotted in a donut shop. 

The comedy in this is horrible with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 lines. It reminds me a lot of 2015’s KILLER PINATA in that regard. It also has some of the dumbest characters ever. I get that this is meant to be a comedy, but sometimes the stupidity and dialog is over the top vomit-inducing. The pacing is terrible, there is a lot of bad dialog and the storyline just gets worse and worse as it moves along. The method they have to use to try and kill the turkey is beyond idiotic. We also get some scenes with some terrible animation, so yeah – that’s just the gravy on this thing. Oh yeah, there is also a “what the cow” moment when one of the characters dies and another character sings a song about it, that involves them skipping through a field and sharing ice cream. 

So is there anything good at all about this movie? Yes, there are actually two things that are good about it. The first is that it’s very short at just a 70-minute run time. The other good thing about it is the score. I actually thought the score for the most part was pretty cool and whoever worked on that. A lot like KILLER PINATA this movie fails to fall into the “so bad it’s good category”. There are just too many jokes that don’t work and too many lulls in the storyline that make it feel like they were just buying time to get to another scene. So as I mentioned, this is a 70-minute movie, but it ends up feeling like a 2-hour movie because it’s just really lame. 

I love goofy crazy stuff but this doesn’t have any heart and it’s not really that fun. Well, there is “a heart” because it’s a horror flick also. Having said that, if merely the fact that I did a review made you want to see this, then don’t say I didn’t warn you. 

I gave this thing a chance, but you can’t trust a movie that skipped one of its own sequels and went straight to a part 3. THANKSKILLING is a 2 out of 7, but only because of a few okay lines and the fact that it was college kids putting this movie together. 

