Tagline: We Are All Programmed to Survive

(Drama, Sci-Fi, Running Around In The Forest) [R]

Roboti are artificial creatures with living flesh and bone components, such as the modern Android is, they look like us, they talk like us. It is a common mistake to take a modern roboti as a human. At first, they seem happy to serve men. In the end, a roboti rebellion leads to the extinction of human life.

In this one everyone is pretty much just living a normal life with androids helping them out, then bam, some signal goes out and every android goes full-on homicidal. Georgia and her boyfriend Sam escape and run into all kinds of trials and a horde of androids to try and survive. To complicate things even more, Georgia is nearly 9 months pregnant. 

First off, this freaking thing takes 50 minutes of its run time to really get going and even then there are a lot of slow moments with tons of exposition. I wouldn’t walk into this thing expecting an action-packed extravaganza. Even when we do get it, a lot of it’s off-screen or in very short bursts. 

The performances in this movie are extremely good, so acting-wise I would call this a success. This is the 3rd strong outing of the year for Chloë Grace Moretz (best known for SHADOW IN THE CLOUD and a lot of other flicks) who plays Georgia. It does take a while to get to like her character, but given the circumstances, I am willing to let the fact that she wasn’t peachy all the time go. Algee Smith is very good as Sam and is convincing in the role. Raúl Castillo who plays Arthur is also really solid and managed to be involved in a lot of projects in 2021, so I am guessing we will be seeing a lot of him in the future. 

Story-wise this damn movie is just a really long downer of a flick with too little going on to keep my interest. If you want to see a mind-blowing movie about androids going nuts, check out I, ROBOT. Even the soundtrack for this movie sucks. I mean, with this premise and some of the ideas introduced in the trailer, I was actually fairly excited to check this out. There is one twist, but that isn’t enough to rescue this movie which is ultimately just painful to watch. The acting, as good as it is, also isn’t worth the agony. Perhaps at some point, there is a sequel but I am definitely not going to be running to it. 

I should also mention, the final sequence is literally like 15 minutes of misery. The ending sucks, this movie overall is pretty grade school writing class bad except during one scene where there is actually a reference to other literature. I just couldn’t really ever get engaged. 

For me, this is the pretty bottom of the barrel for 2021. I wish I had some better things to say. Save yourself 2 hours and skip this damn thing. I give it a 1 out of 7. Let's hope this isn't the start of another long string of garbage movies for Chloë because she is a better actress than what she's allowed herself to be involved in.


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