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(Adventure, Sci-Fi, Low Budget) [PG-13]
Note: This movie doesn’t have an MPAA rating. Given the language etc, if it did, I would say it’s a PG-13, so I slapped that on the review.
In this one, a spaceship called the Galileo crashes on a planet that for some (insert crazy low-budget sci-fi explanation here) reason is just loaded with dinosaurs. The survivors need to locate a short-hop shuttle pod in order to get off the planet. Of course, all that is made harder by the fact that the only human they run into on the planet isn’t who he seems to be…and of course dinosaurs want to eat them and there isn’t one Jack In The Box in sight.
First off, for a low-budget movie, the dinosaurs in this thing are not totally terrible looking. You can tell they are CGI for the most part, but in some shots, they actually look pretty decent. What doesn’t look decent is just about anything else.
After the crash landing and a few dinosaur sightings, this movie is just riddled with bad pointless dialog for most of its 74 minute run time. By the way, if you can find something sci-fi low-budget goofy like this that is only 74 minutes long, just watch it. You might find a hidden gem. Not this thing, but you might find something that is.
The acting is pretty horrid. All I can say about the cast is most of them are pretty much unknown even in the b-movie circuit. Eric Paul Erickson plays a character named Marston. The only thing I can see that I know of that Eric Paul Erickson was in is the TV show “Last Ship” and another bad b-movie called SNAKE OUT OF COMPTON (also put out by Dual Visions). Tamara Stayer is also one of the main actresses in this. She not surprisingly is also best known for SNAKE OUT OF COMPTON. Ryan Budds is probably the only other member of the cast worth mentioning because he has done several b-films which include SHARKNADO and HORNET.
Some of the soundtrack is okay but the score is rough as well as all of the cinematography and lighting. I should also say for a movie with “Galaxy” in the title, we get almost nothing that resembles space. If you are making a movie with the word “Galaxy”, or “Planet” you need to have some “space” in that thing. I mean heck, even I FIGHT DRAGONS managed to cram more “space” and sci-fi stuff into their video for “Save World Get Girl”. The I FIGHT DRAGONS video is only 2 minutes and 52 seconds long. You couldn’t fit more “space” into your JURASSIC GALAXY movie than a fun music video? What the cow?
I have to give this movie a 2 out of 7. It’s not even just okay. It has a few moments and the effects are actually fine on some of the dinosaur stuff, but this script is bottom of the Fruity Pebbles box stuff. I will say that hardcore b-movie fans like me might gleam some fun out of this one, but I am here to tell you there are better sci-fi nonsense b-movies out there.
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