Tagline: A Computer Knows The Answer

(Drama, Sci-Fi, Faith) [G]

Note: This movie was never given an MPAA rating, but I would put it in the rated G arena. 

In this one, some scientists at M.I.T. launch an AI computer that once launched quickly determines the internet should not exist and shuts it down. All AI experiments are banned, but some of the code is in the hands of another scientist named Dr. Stephen Kendrick (played by Keith Langsdale best known for the soap opera “One Life To Live”) and a colleague named Alan Moss start another AI computer named IVAN. They ask it one question it already knows it’s going to be asked. Does God exist? 

Production-wise this one seems like it cost maybe what the slice of a pizza would. It’s a movie about an AI computer with so little 2014 quality graphics on the computer it’s almost annoying. So whatever you do, don’t walk into this expecting mind-blowing effects, or any of that. This is more a movie about the consequences of AI in general and how at some point it may become problematic if it isn’t already. The movie does also delve into the actual question involving its name, but that isn’t the main focus of most of this script. The acting is fine, but it does seem like the 2nd half of the movie has better performances in it out of everyone than the first half. I think that is largely because the stakes get higher challenging the actor's actual acting skills comes in the latter half of the film. Jim Lobley plays Alan Moss in this and is actually pretty good, as far as I can tell it’s his only movie. Cate Damon plays Jane Hurst in this and I thought she did fine with this role but it was the only movie I can find that she was ever in so I don’t have anything else to compare this particular performance to. 

I had a few issues with this one including the fact that in a few scenes Dr. Stephen Kendrick lies to the AI telling it funding had been approved for it to do its research and answer their question. Kind of a bizarre start if the AI ever gained sentience and figures out that its creators lied to it the first chance they got. The other issue is Dr. Stephen’s Kendrick comparing AI self-awareness to a man looking at a mannequin at a department store and briefly being attracted to it like it was a person, but still knowing it’s a giant hunk of wood, paint, and other materials. I don’t get that comparison, but I think the script could have just said there are moments when an AI feels like it’s alive, but understands on a grander scale that it’s a computer. It is interesting that the same kinds of questions in this movie were hinted at in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. I think the same types of questions and what the AI would do have to be explored in these types of films and some of those questions are universal. What is also weird is that the AI (IVAN) contemplates the consequence of its answer but the ending I found extremely satisfying unlike a lot of other reviewers. It actually ends the only way I would think it would be possible for it to when you really look at this thing from a theological standpoint. 

This movie is not without its interesting dives into current issues. The idea that there are so many studies out there saying computers and algorithms involved in social media for instance can damage our lives, yet when a new iPhone comes out, there are lines out the door of every Apple store to get it first? So if you look past some of the production issues, this film overall isn’t without its intriguing questions and dialog. It goes into both sides of the AI argument. How far do we really want to take computer technology, how far do we go with automation and artificial friendship, guidance, etc. in general?

Your enjoyment of this film may depend on what you were expecting. For me, it was a good introduction to a deeper discussion about AI and its impact as well as offering an extremely well-thought-out conclusion. This is a 4 out of 7. It has substance and thought-provoking dialog that I think makes it worth a watch.


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