Tagline: Valerie's about to discover how far a girl has to go to find Mr. Right.

(Comedy, Romance, Musical) [PG]

A UFO landed in my pool and they captured me but we made friends and I fed them Pop-Tarts and, um, they're here now, but Ted's coming home tonight so you've got to cut their hair.

In this one, three aliens crash land in this girl named Valerie’s swimming pool. She ends up befriending them and they end up becoming useful in helping her overcome her problems. The biggest of which is her fiancé cheating on her. 

First off this movie is about as ’80s as it gets. If you are watching this with any kind of a serious mind at all, you are going to hate it. If you watch it in the same sense that you might watch VOYAGE OF THE ROCK ALIENS, it will be a lot more fun. When I say “80’s as it gets” I am talking about everything from the bubblegum pop soundtrack to the zany excess and whacky fashion. Apparently, Britney Spears shot a video called “Pretty Girls” that had a video based on this movie, so there’s that. In spite of being rated PG, the movie's central theme is that aliens are trying to have sex with earth girls. This was actually a pretty common them in movies ever since sci-fi was invented. Considered a “musical” there are actually fairly few musical numbers in the movie. 

Acting-wise this movie is loaded with stars. Some were big in the ’80s, but others had their careers take off afterward. The biggest examples are Damon Wayans and Jim Carey who would be household names just 2 years later when the sketch comedy show “In Living Color” came out. It also stars Geena Davis who was most famous for BEETLEJUICE. On top of that, we’ve got Jeff Goldblum who was most famous for JURASSIC PARK. This was actually the 3rd movie Davis and Goldblum had starred in together. The other two were 1986’s THE FLY and TRANSYLVANIA 6-5000. They ended up getting married during the filming of this movie. I will say for fans of Geena Davis and Jeff Goldblum both, this is probably a movie you don’t want to skip. Their chemistry isn’t as obvious in this one as in their other two films. 

Story-wise this movie is extremely simplistic, however for this type of film that is never a bad idea. There is a lot going on already without having a super complicated plot. Apparently, the musical number “Cause I’m A Blonde” was only snuck into the movie after several other cuts were made. The effects are purposely hokey, so it’s hard to complain about them. 

Not everything about this movie is funny, but everything about this movie is total nonsense and in a world where everything is so serious, it ends up being a really nice break from everyday stuff. It also manages to not be overly crass even given the movie's loony sexually charged premise. 

Falling slightly into the so-bad-it's good category I have to give this one a 4 out of 7. I found myself enjoying this movie probably mostly for all its reminders that not everything has to fit in a box, make perfect sense, or follow some pretentious PC guideless from the depths of the collegiate conformity garbage pile.


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