(Action, Fantasy, SciFi) [PG-13] This movie does not have an MPAA rating, but if it did, it would likely be a PG-13 due to some of the language.
In this one, a comic book creator team that calls themselves “Monster Force Zero” is trying to get their book scene. In order to do so, they agree to get into a cosplay competition against a group known as "Destroyers of Destruction" (D.O.D.). Part of the competition is each member obtaining the powers they have in their comic. This is all part of a cosmic effort to save the multiverse from total destruction.
Part of enjoying or not enjoying this movie will have something to do with what you thought you were getting into. If you didn’t see the preview and got sucked in by the poster, you probably expected something on the level of one of the GOOSEBUMPS movies, or something with a bigger budget. Instead, this movie seems more like a group of college kids getting together behind some cheap effects programs and throwing together a movie during an actual Comicon event.
While the ideas are interesting and even cool at times, the execution is pretty bad and the acting in a lot of places is rough as hell, but also realistic in the sense that if these were real comic book creators, they wouldn’t have likely been in any acting classes, etc. Adam Singer who plays A.I. does seem to be able to hold his own though. He was also in THE JURASSIC DEAD. Aeon Cruz plays Ammorama in this and does well enough to tell she’s been on other projects. Dalena Nguyen who plays Kadabra Couture is a bit rough in this, but the character is one of the cooler ones in the movie. Pat Tanaka plays a character called The Janitor and I actually really liked his “yoda-like” role in this thing.
MONSTER FORCE ZERO isn’t really even on the level of a bad ASYLUM flick effects-wise, but the minimalist approach works to an extent and I can see how might inspire would-be filmmakers and creators in the cosplay and even music video makers. The whole movie really has an "I FIGHT DRAGONS" music video feel.
You will need to give this movie a good 35 minutes or so to see where it’s headed. One of the few strong points in this thing is the techno background music and some of the lighting. Outside of that it's definitely amateur and won’t be for everyone, but overall I actually found it to be pretty fun overall.
This thing gets a 3 out of 7 from me, but if people absolutely torched this film I wouldn’t be shocked. The poster is at the very least misleading (the two main characters in the movie aren't even on the poster). Then again – that can be said for tons of movies coming out these days.
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