GODZILLA 2000 (1999)

GODZILLA 2000 (1999)

To this day, this is the only non-Legendary Godzilla movie I have seen in theaters. Sadly the box office for this thing was rough as heck. It didn’t even make back it’s $13 Million in production costs. Apparently TOHO didn’t care though because they made GODZILLA VS MEGAGUIRUS a year later. One thing that was epic about both movies was that Godzilla suit. It’s definitely my favorite out of all of them. 

In this one Godzilla returns and everyone seems know exactly what they are dealing with. There is even an organization called G-Force that studies Godzilla and follows him around like kaiju groupies. The movie of course centers around Godzilla but also a father, daughter and random lady that gets involved in G-Force. At some point in this movie, it is discovered that Godzilla’s cells have a regenerative property they call Regenerator-G. Super original naming convention there TOHO. This time Godzilla faces off against a UFO that later transforms into a kaiju dubbed Orga. Orga looks pretty damn awesome in this thing, but that UFO could have used some better design work. It looks like a failed by polished metal shop project that got an "F". 

Cinematically this entry is pretty strong. It utilizes some really cool angles and shots where it feels like you are one of the missiles heading towards Godzilla. We also get some cool aerial acrobatics from the Japanese Defense Force. The set and effects were also pretty well done knowing this was a TOHO film. Takehiro Murata does a pretty good job as Prof. Yugi Shinoda in this, and I kinda wish they had carried the character and his daughter (even though she’s pretty rude in this movie) into the next movie in the series. Naomi Nishida also does a great job as Yuki Ichinose and even won a best supporting actress award for her performance in NABBIE’S LOVE (a movie I can almost guarantee will never be reviewed by me). I will say her character does get treated like dog crap almost every time the script involves her, which is completely un-necessary to the movie. 

Overall I loved this freakin thing. It’s probably my 3rd favorite Godzilla movie of them all. For me this was an easy 6 out of 7 even retrospectively disliking some of the dialog. At least at some point Yuki and Io (played by Mayu Suzuki end up getting along). If you haven’t gotten a chance to see this, definitely do that. The movie features some iconic lines and scenes as well as a final battle that is one of the strangest in the franchise.


Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless. Until next time.
