Okay so if you are reading the name on this thing, you already know we are dealing with some total bologna here and you already know… “of course Jess reviewed that”.

In this one, a scientist named Dr. Rico Symes (played by Robert Carradine) decides is just an amazing idea to come up with a military weapon that crosses a pterodactyl with a barracuda. Because of course pterodactyl’s DNA is so much easier to find than say any animal that is not extinct. If Rober Carradine looks familiar that’s either because he was in REVENGE OF THE NERDS or because he’s been on a crap load of other movies and TV shows including Disney’s “Lizzie McGuire”. Anyway that freakin pteracuda escapes and just starts killing everyone, like we would expect.

So now we have to bring in a newer version of Sharktopus because the original one got blown up in SHARKTOPUS. The new Sharktopus is actually being trained by Lorena Christmas (played by Katie Savoy) to be on display at a Sea World type aquarium. She was able to imprint on the Sharktopus by finding it as a baby. Katie Savoy does a pretty good job in this one and can actually act. She’s been in several TV shows including “How I Met Your Mother” and “Rules Of Engagement”. Sadly no one else in this thing is impressive at all acting wise. Not even Robert Carradine.

This movie does deliver some pretty decent fight scenes between the Sharktopus and Pteracuda, but the horrifying CGI pretty much ruins a lot of that and I come into these things expecting crap CGI. In almost every violent scene the blood is crappy-looking CGI. I wish we’d have gotten at least some practical effects. Oddly Conan O’Brien also makes an appearance at a beach resort…and man, you have to see what happens to this dude, but we are not going to talk about that here.  For me this wouldn’t be horror, it would be more adventure. Calling it horror would be like calling ROBOCOP horror.

Overall this is not the worst flick Roger Corman’s name on it. This movie also seems to at least know it’s pretty freakin out there which I like because self-awareness shows the viewer you know why they are watching. There are lots of holes in this movie and the editing is rough as hell. I have to give this one a 3 out of 7 because I like these over the top concept movies, but man oh man.


Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless. Until next time.
