HELLBOY (2019)

HELLBOY (2019)

This movie is basically the result of HELLBOY 3, from the original series never getting off the ground. Honestly it sucks that never happened, but in this review I will look at the merits of this one. Hellboy is basically from hell. He came to our world in 1944 as a result of the freakin Nazi’s trying to obtain power to take over the world. Hellboy was thought to be the secret weapon only the American’s sent to kill him and up adopting him and taking him home.  In this one he’s going to do battle with a giant warthog, and The Blood Queen (Milla Jovovich) who was cut into pieces by King Arthur and is being humpty-dumpty’d back together by this warthog dude.

Apparently this is about 3 of the comics stories crammed into one movie but it doesn’t feel like that. The story is actually somewhat coherent, but there are a few choppy moments that don’t seem to matter to anything. One of those moments is an over the top visit to a walking house. Overall this thing is just way over bloated with un-necessary gore that brings nothing to the table. On top of that the addition of the way spirits are seen as overly grotesque is not only hard to watch, it basically implies that when you die you just become come big crazy looking worm creature that has wounds you didn’t have when you were died. I did like the King Arthur aspect of the film, but outside of that, this movie lacks everything I would have liked to have seen and is loaded with stuff I didn’t want to.

Overall there ends up being a stack of issues with this overly sickening humorless reboot. I couldn’t stand this freakin thing. After a decent first 15 minutes or so and a decent set up, it just falls flat and the ending feels rushed and pointless. What sucks the worst about this movie is that I really like just about everyone in it and some of the characters are likable, but one of them isn’t Hellboy. Unfortunately David Harbour isn’t good in this role or he just wasn’t given the lines to be successful. As a fan of the first 2 films, I really wanted to like this. Instead Summit Entertainment delivered us an un-inspired pile of garbage. I am really glad I just RED BOX'd this thing and didn't buy it.
