Directed by Frank Agrama more noted for his work on the gore-fest DAWN OF THE MUMMY and more recently as Executive Producer  the ROBOTECH animated series, I set my expectations too LOW for this one. It starts out with a chase scene through the jungle with a bunch of barely dressed women chasing after a freaked out dude. It turns out to be an all-female filming crew, who are having a hard time finding a real man for the part of the guy getting chased.  Ultimately they find a lame dude Ray Fay played by Robin Askwith (whose film legacy is beyond bonkers). Together they sing and dance and end up on an island inhabited by worshippers of a giant gorilla named Queen Kong. It’s all just pretty damn goofy.

As the movie rolls along you kind of get the feeling they were going for a comedy here, but most of the jokes are so dated they lose any sense of being funny. The film ends up being a parody of a lot of other films (including JAWS which came out a year earlier)  but actually follows the main story line of the original KING KONG fairly closely. The effects are beyond horrid and even the best scenes hardly rival anything we see in ATTACK OF THE KLLER TOMATOES, which is to say they were non-existent. I am not sure if this movie was trying to be a pro- feminist movie or just make fun of feminism all together. It’s loaded with women ogling over the main Ray Fay (who is a total idiot), and the director of the all-women film team played by Rula Lenska (who is still acting to this day) is made out to be less attractive than Queen Kong. If anything makes this movie easier to watch, it’s that a part 2 never came out, because the ending certainly sets up for one. All this while touting feminism  at least in song and dialog.

Even if your thing is watching barely dressed women run through the jungle and sing songs there is barely enough here to make this entertaining, which is probably why the DVD took ages to finally come out. Run, run from this film. It’s like watching the worst Saturday Night Live only everyone’s British.

Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless. Until next time.
