Okay in this one we have some interplanetary colonization happening in the future. This company Exor is shady has hell and basically has a giant ship floating above a planet, that is slowly getting taken over by menacing Cousin It’s. Just from knowing this bit of information, and the fact that Exor is a military contractor, you can pretty much figure out what’s going on before they tell you. Kane Sommerville has his family on the planet, but has learned his daughter has not made it off world safely, so naturally he is going to have to call in late to his job and piss off his boss at Exor to save the day.

The special effects in this one are not bad at all. Not amazing, but definitely not bad. The creatures look pretty nuts and cause a good amount of damage. While looking for his daughter Kane runs into a few others people not trying to get off the planet, including a brother and sister that is basically dating each other. What the Game Of Thrones…? The sister is played by Isabel Lucas (TRANSFORMERS REVENGE OF THE FALLEN, IMMORTALS, EMERALD CITY) so this may have just been a chance to show her acting skills and for that I have to give her credit.

The story line moves along okay, with the exception of the flashbacks to a prison escape, that ties into the rest of the story. If you have been reading my reviews for long you know I am not crazy about this type of story sequence especially when it seems that this entire portion of the movie could have been told in a few minutes rather than half the movie.  

If you are going to revolve a whole movie around a child, my advice is to never have them just be a whiny kid right up until the twist ending. I looks like this thing is part of a series, but the installment in and of itself, isn’t anything over the top special. I would have liked to see a lot more interesting cinematography and fun camera work, but for what we actually do got I gotta give this one a 3 out of 7. Having said that, I would be interested in seeing the rest of the story.


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