In this one, a 12-year-old girl Barbara Thorson (played by
Madison Wolfe, ZOO tv series) builds traps and crazy contraptions as part of
her life of fighting off giants that attack her town periodically. She lives
with her brother who is basically a huge jerk and her overwhelmed sister due to
the absence of their parents. The movie does get to what is going on with one
of them, but I am not going to give much away here if you (are like me) and
didn’t even know about this movie or the graphic novel it’s based on. Barbara is very much a Hermione Granger (from
Harry Potter) type character only with a far more stand-offish attitude. The
main reason for her social defense mechanism being permanently set to 10, is
that she just basically wants to be alone and kill giants.
Madison Wolfe is solid in the role, but dialog and personality-wise Sophia
(played by Sydney Wade) and Karen (played by Imogen Poots, 28 WEEKS LATER, NEED
FOR SPEED) are far more likable and steal every scene they are in. Zoe Saldana
also does an amazing job as Mrs. Molle’ a psychologist that has a lot more
patience than probably anyone in the public school system in real life.
Effects-wise, this movie is decent, on the same level as COLOSSAL, only I KILL GIANTS is actually
endearing and likable as a movie overall. Because I didn’t read the graphic
novel and didn’t know anything about the movie going into it, I didn’t expect
the ending we got, but it does get you to ask questions about how you approach
some of life’s heaviest subjects. It also does a really good job of showing how
others might or might not be affected by how you deal with grief, from your
family members to your enemies to your best friends. Also, I guess if you are
12 and you live on the East Coast there is absolutely no penalty whatsoever for
massive property damage or smelling up your entire neighborhood putting gross
stuff in buckets.
Past its theatrical run, you can actually catch this one is out on DVD or you may be able to stream it as of the writing of this review.
Past its theatrical run, you can actually catch this one is out on DVD or you may be able to stream it as of the writing of this review.
Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless. Until next time.
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