Saw this one on June 1st just after PHOENIX COMICON here in Phoenix. To be honest I wasn’t exactly running to this flick (like a lot of the others coming out that summer). Having said that I am a big fan of Dwayne Johnson “The Rock”, who plays Ray, and of Alexandra Daddario (PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS) who plays Blake.

In this one, Ray is in the middle of a divorce with his wife Emma (Carla Gugino from SUCKER PUNCH), and his daughter Blake is about to hang out with a flaky millionaire who designs buildings named Daniel Riddick (played by the suddenly re-surfacing  Ioan Gruffudd who was once MR. FANTASTIC). Naturally, Ray isn’t hot about it but he’s got crap to do and heads off to deal with an earthquake at the Hover Dam. Suddenly all hell breaks loose and now he has to save his daughter and soon-to-be x-wife from killer skyscrapers and looters.

Overall this movie is a lot deeper emotionally than I expected it would be. The tapestry isn’t exactly as rich as some dramas out there, but it does make you want these characters to live (unlike DEEP IMPACT and 2012 where I just didn’t really even care).  I want you to read this loud and clear. SAN ANDREAS is the best disaster flick to come out in 15 years. No, you do not need to look away from your screen. It’s a fact. With all the effort, effects, and finally, a decent storyline to follow there is no denying this movie's pace and disaster “fun” level is very high. For the naysayers on the science part of this, all I can say is you are probably watching movies for the wrong reasons.

In my opinion, we should almost never analyze our entertainment to death comparing it to real life. If you want real life, all you need to do is walk out your door and stare for 1.5 hours. However to entertain some of the ranting, yes in fact the world record for holding your breath underwater is 22 minutes if I recall correctly. After you see the movie, you will have an idea of why that was brought up.

Overall I have to give this a 5 out of 7. It will also be a lot crazier if you watch it on a big screen. 


Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless. Until next time.
