Tagline: Unzip your head 

(Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller) [R]

You can't do multiple personalities, you've barely got one.

I am just going to say it probably would have taken me a few more years to stumble across this flick if it wasn’t for JPool over at JPool’s Gnerd Corner. To my surprise I think we’ve got a bit of a gem here. The premise on this thing revolves around a young woman named Suki (Katie Kassidy from ARROW) facing destructive multiple personalities. One of those personalities isn’t what anyone expected. I don’t want to give too much away because this thing has 2 major twists that are nothing short of brilliant. 

I will say there must be something in the contract for anyone going on ARROW that says they have to have been in a movie nude at some point or have been in the series SPARTACUS or both.

Anyway there are a few films out there that I can compare this too, like SUCKER PUNCH and THE WARD but this one has a bite and probably won’t be for everyone. There are some fantastic performances in this thing including Michelle Trachtenburg as Alice and almost to a ridiculous level Katie Kassidy who is essentially un-recognizable as even being in this thing if you are an ARROW fan. There are a few things that are odd about this thing like the fact that mental patients are being put into a huge building with windows they can just jump out of and the fact that almost no one is watching over them even though they have been supposedly mentally cleared to be in a high rise?

There are a few elements about this movie I wasn’t in love with but John Suits direction and some of the cinematography was over the top fantastic. In spite of how gritty this thing it, it is not for people that don’t want to think about a bit. Much like SUCKER PUNCH there is more than just eye candy here. This includes the ideas behind patient 99 and “the pusher”. Apparently it’s also based on a graphic novel. By the way, this isn’t an endorsement of John Suits, I thought BAD MILO might have been one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.

Overall this flick gets a 6 out of 7 for me, but admittedly unless you have had exposure to the atmosphere and ideas in this movie you might not find it as cleverly scripted as I did. 


Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless.
