YOU’RE NEXT (2011)

YOU’RE NEXT (2011)

This one is about a family (having a reunion at the family house) that is attacked by strangers wearing animal masks which kind of adds to the creepiness. As you can probably tell I don’t watch a ton of fairly new horror flicks. In my head this was just another throw away movie that was better off left in the “maybe I will watch that someday” category. Well I finally got around to it and let me just say this movie is pretty freakin nuts. The good news for fans of old school horror is that this one isn’t over the top just trying to gross you out. There are some pretty interesting and clever plot twists here that almost limit what I can say in the review without spoiling things. Right now you can check this out on NETFLIX or REDBOX.

About mid-way through the movie the writers give away what is going on, but even after the movies pretty cool ending we are still left with questions and that is part of what makes this one so unique. So often we are given decent motives from the killer’s point of view, but over time the reasons become so far gone that we almost forget why so and so just can’t seem to stop chasing teen agers down. That isn’t a problem here. This probably isn’t a movie I’d watch over and over again, but for horror fans this is probably one of those you would put in the must see category.

Sharni Vinson is the main actress in this one and does just about as great a job as Jennifer Lawrence does in HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET. Oddly the roll didn’t win her any huge productions but you can still catch her in a few relatively unknown films here and there (BAIT & PATRICK to name a couple). Nicholas Tucci also delivers a strong performance but much like Sharni, we haven’t seen him in anything well known since this movie came out either. 

This is a great flick for your Halloween marathon and as such I give this film a 5 out of 7. 

