THE STUFF (1985)

THE STUFF (1985)

In this movie a few miners stumble upon something bubbling out of the earth and of course decide to start eating it. Not too long after that it is being marketed all over the US as THE STUFF. A kid and a detective named David ‘Mo’ are seemingly the only ones that have noticed THE STUFF moves on its own and is basically like crack only it turns you into an agent of THE STUFF whose goal is to get more STUFF before it finally just kills you from the inside.

I believe this film was probably meant as more of a social commentary on how advertising and bad food kind of control us, but there are some genuine horror elements here. Mostly however this movie is almost a giant commercial for THE STUFF and 80’s music and culture. In that respect it’s pretty entertaining even though we get a really stiff and un-inspired performance from the films lead Michael Moriarity.

If you are having a cheesy horror night this is actually a pretty good flick to kick your marathon off with. There is nothing quite like the director of Q and A RETURN TO SALEM’S LOT (Larry Cohen) getting his hands on about a million gallons of shaving cream and deciding to make a horror movie. If you compare this to older films it’s got a Body Snatcher feel to it, but also feels like it could be the distant cousin of 2012’s THE BAY but that flick is a heck of a lot more disgusting.

In spite of the nostalgia there are better 80’s horror movies out there. While this would be good time, it’s definitely not a fantastic one unless you can pick up some of the timely references. I give this movie a 3 out of 7. 


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