APOLLO 18 (2011)

APOLLO 18 (2011)

This one is a found footage film (a format I pretty much hate) but lately there have been a few that use some (or all) of this format that have turned out pretty good. APOLLO 18 is about the US discovering that the Soviet Union had possibly been planning to monitor the US and the moon was definitely part of their evil plan. When NASA arrives 2 astronauts discover the Soviets were there and they were jacked up. I don’t want to give too much away about this movie but there are definitely some cool effects (make up work) and creatures from what we do see in the really crappy attempt at making this film look authentic. I mean there are Grindhouse films less grainy than this.

What we do get is some superb acting and if you can wade through the over written first half of the movie the second half delivers a pretty nice payoff. Nothing about this movie is spectacular but it has some quality elements that quite frankly I really didn’t expect.

Warren Christie (ALPHA’s, ARROW) delivers and the rest of the very small cast was actually trying. For something a little different I can recommend APOLLO 18, but it is probably not part of your HALLOWEEN night or month line up unless you have all of the really epic stuff out of the way or are a huge fan of found footage space horror. I do wish there were not so many choppy portions of this film. It almost makes you feel like your cable is going out or you got a really scratchy DVD.

