Apparently THE ASYLUM likes telling people that some of their movies are based on a true story. In this case, it is based on a bunch of stories, you know, from locals complaining about the werewolf population in Wisconsin. THE BEAST OF BRAY ROAD is about a werewolf killing (and eating, because he or she is like super freakin hungry) random people in a town full of total jerks, 1 cool cop and 1 cool bar owner named Kelly played by one of my favorite actresses Sarah Lieving (she will seriously shoot you in the face).

I have had this thing in my Netflix queue for months now and was saving it for my WEREWOLF WEEKEND reviews for October’s 31 DAYS OF MADNESS (where I review 60 horror flicks, the good the great and the terrible). Now that I have seen it I can say it definitely matches up with the better half of films THE ASYLUM has put out. We do get a lot of campy almost HATCHET style gore and the effects are so cheese-tastic it makes the experience fairly enjoyable for B movie fans. Some of the lines are delivered so badly it’s almost hysterical but the movies actual attempts at humor almost ALL fall flat. The werewolf looks like something you would see in a beef jerky commercial and it’s awesome.  

The end of this movie is pretty great in 2 ways. 1) Its actually dedicated to the great state of Wisconsin? And 2) It’s somewhat un-expected and just enough over the top to be memorable. Did I mention Sarah Lieving was in this?

I usually don’t rate THE ASYLUM films this high, but I actually dug this one. I give this one a 4 out of 7. Rating definition : VERY GOOD This movie leaves you with that feeling that although everything may not be okay, girls can kick butt and one man can save the world with either one bullet left in the chamber some special power he discovered 5 minutes ago. This movie is a good time and makes you wonder how many people you can tell about its awesomeness the next day at work.
