TRANSFORMERS was coming out the same year. Leigh Scott just had to try and find
a way to capitalize along with THE ASYLUM. Well, here they just didn’t, I
highly doubt this film (apparently made in the basement of one of my friends in
high school) even made back its $4.50 budget back (actual cost around
$250,000). Everything about this movie is bad even the attempts at emotional
string pulling with some of the battlefield dialog. I honestly wish I could say
someone in this movie was even trying…but wait, Elizabeth Swenson, maybe…. but
only a little. They did go on to make a part II to this, but I won’t be
reviewing that unless I have some sort of brain malfunction.
this movie giant Japanese CGI robots have already taken over earth and a small
band of actors with ridiculously awful acting skills are going to take them
down. I wish I could tell you more but that is literally about all we are given
to go on. I don’t know if you read my review of ANDROID INSURRECTION but this
one doesn’t even have single interest point and isn’t even noteworthy enough to
register as a rentable or stream-able time waster.
from this movie. For once trust the critics, save yourself the pain. This pile
of garbage is an insult to other piles of garbage. I honestly hope this doesn’t
come anywhere close to resembling the final battle between man and machine as
the DVD cover tells us. If it is, wake me when its over, I will be crashed out
on the couch somewhere between boredom and disgust.
I give this movie a 1 out of 7. SUCK FACTOR
EXCEEDING SAFE LEVELS this is the “movie you never saw”. You don’t even like
thinking about this movie but will do some public service warning people about
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