THE FP (2011)
Considered by some to be a cult classic THE FP is probably
setting it’s place at the table of “we made this for $14.00 bucks” right now.
Set in an apocalyptic future (or more like just about any fairly rundown
neighborhood in America) two rival and seemingly racist gangs battle it out
over who can what is essentially Dance Dance Revolution and spew profanities
and slurs like they were auditioning for the movie CASINO*.
I get that this film was supposed to be funny and artistic.
I get that some people found it amazing and right on target for the audience. I
also get that those people would be wrong. THE FP is a slap in the face to bad
movies and an even worse slap in the face to bad movies that were intended to
be masterpieces. The most agonizing thing about this movie is that Jason Trost
can actually act and well.
By this point this tragedy is no longer taking the fun out
of life in theaters, so you don’t have to worry about accidently stumbling into
a showing. Netflix is however going to beg you to watch this. Resist. About 20
minutes In when you realize this movie is going nowhere and that you want punch
Stacy’s dad through the screen, then you will thank me for the warning.
I give this movie a 1 out of 7. SUCK FACTOR EXCEEDING
SAFE LEVELS this is the “movie you never saw”. You don’t even like thinking
about this movie but will do some public service warning people about it.
*To this day considered one of the most obscenity laced
movies in American cinematic history.
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