Tagline: Fame is just one vlog away

(Comedy, Adventure, Murder) [PG-13]

Note: This movie wasn’t given an MPAA rating, but I am guessing it would have gotten a PG-13 if it was released in theaters. 

Coley is doing this all for clickbait. 

In this one vlog influences Coley and Jericho from Coley Nation are losing views. When they run across a viral video of a little girl who has reported seeing bigfoot, they head up to Garberville, CA to try and do a “collab” with it. Coley is able to obtain a map from the little girl. Meanwhile, vlog reporter Freddie Huff decides to track Coley down once the trip goes awry. 

First off, this movie takes a big time turn after about the first 30 minutes. After that, we get very few laughs and this thing just gets out of hand. I don’t want to give too much away because I highly doubt many of you if any, have actually seen this. So what I am going to try and do is help you decide it it’s worth it for you. By the way – a “collab” is just when two vloggers get together and do a video together. 

The movie's main star is Steph Barkley (THE CANYONLANDS) who plays Coley. She is actually an incredible actress and hasn’t been in any huge productions that I can tell, but has been a part of some fascinating movies like QUANTUM COWBOYS which is a Western time travel flick with a bunch of different animation styles. Anyway – I thought she was very solid in this. She doesn’t play a particularly pleasant character, but she does play one of the better ones because this thing is loaded with self-serving jerks. Chris Kleckner (COPSHOP) is also good in this as Marty. He plays the kind-hearted person that you should like but for some reason, they annoy the crap out of you. I was not fond of Jericho in this film who is played by Sam Milman. It was the same with Marlon Webb who plays Peeka Blu. However, for these roles, I can only assume they did what they were asked to do. Then finally probably the best part of this movie was the ludicrously talented Lauren Howard Hayes who plays Freddie Huff. As far as I can tell, this was Lauren’s only feature film. She is mostly known for her outlandish ability to switch characters and take on just about any persona you throw at her. You have probably seen a video of hers and don’t even know it. 

This is a comedy and there are a few laugh-out-loud moments, but it’s mostly a commentary on how much influencers not only influence us but influence each other. Then gets a bit into how bad the information they are passing on can actually be. I follow quite a few vloggers on various platforms and I see how out-of-hand arguments and so and so said this and here are the facts that later get proven to be incorrect or badly misinterpreted that it’s insane. Things seemingly get really out of hand every 3 months or so and I am sure the ones I follow aren’t even 0.00009% of what’s out there. So just as a heads up, you can’t trust mainstream media on either side of anything and honestly you really can’t trust every single vlogger that you like. That is essentially the message of this movie, I just happen to agree with it. If you want to know who you can trust, that’s a whole different topic. Hint, (the Bible and a Strong's Concordance). 

One fun note on this flick is that I have actually been to the Bigfoot gift shop in this film and it’s a pretty cool place in an amazing area of California. The pacing is uneven and some scenes feel unnecessary, but they do convey the chaotic nature of what can happen when things get out of hand. Oddly this is not really a big foot movie, but bigfoot enthusiasts might still find it interesting. Marty has a TON to say about Bigfoot in this thing. 

Overall this is a very interesting quirky movie along the lines of THE SASQUATCH GANG which is also a Bigfoot movie that isn't really about Bigfoot. It is not a full-blown comedy though and that should be stressed before you get into this thing. For me, this was a 4 out of 7. Not all the acting holds up, but the message of the film is pretty eye-opening for people that haven’t been exposed to the whacky world of vlogging. 

