Tagline: Defy the Future
(Action, Adventure, Fantasy) [PG-13]
I wasn't born in a palace like you! I was born in the slums of Nasaf, where I lived if I fought and I clawed for it.
Meant to end up a series, PRINCE OF PERSIA was handed to Jerry Bruckheimer’s crew to handle the job. Based on a video game, the storyline wasn’t much to work with, but alas we actually got a solid effort.
In this one, we venture to the mystical lands of Persia. The Persians decided to invade a fairly peaceful city where a disgraced Prince discovers a fancy dagger and steals it. With the reluctant help of a princess, “Tamina” (played by Gemma Arterton best known for CLASH OF THE TITANS) abducted from the city the Prince “Dastan” (played by Jake Gyllenhaal probably best known for DONNIE DARKO, but that movie sucked and makes no sense) discovers the dagger contains special sand that allows whoever holds it to travel back in time. Can Dastan clear his name and return to his brothers in Persia or nefarious forces ensure that the dagger never gets back into safe hands.
Regarding the casting, I am guessing the backlash that no one in this thing is actually of Persian descent caught up with Jake Gyllenhaal, to the point where he regrets being in this movie. I don’t know if anyone else regretted this, but I am just going to review the movie for its merits. I don’t expect my movies to reflect real life anyway. Otherwise, I would do reviews of the view outside my door. I would love to see a Persian version if they ever do one, but this is the one we have now. In spite of the regret, Gyllenhaal is actually pretty good in this. Gemma Arterton is good also but basically plays the exact same character she did in CLASH OF THE TITANS. Ben Kingsley is also in this movie and as always does a freakin amazing job. His character is essentially the “main” villain in the film and he’s amazingly duplicitous in the role. Alfred Molina provides some comedic relief in the movie exercising his ability to take on pretty much any role (he even kisses an ostrich on the next in this one). Molina is best known for being Doc Ock in SPIDER-MAN 2.
The sets and cinematography in this film are pure gold and everything looks just freaking amazing. The CGI, the costumes, everything is just epic. I loved the dialog in this thing and the constant barrage on the evils of “taxes” from Sheik Amar (Molina’s character).
Critically I will say that there are a few slow scenes and possibly some un-needed moments in general, but the action sequences push this thing forward at a pace that works superbly. I think it’s sad that this movie didn’t do better at the box office and that for some reason at least Gyllenhaal didn’t want to be involved in another one. I think this could have turned into a mind-blowing series on par with PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN.
Overall I have to give this movie a 6 out of 7. I guess there are some things they could have done differently with the casting for some of this but I am not one of those people that spends a ton of time worrying about stuff like that. Everyone on the screen is paid to do a role, these worlds are all fantasy and it’s not worth spending a ton of time crying about everything.
Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless.
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