In this one James Bond 007 (played by Pierce Brosnan) is trying to stop World War 3. Why does he have to do that? Because one of the best bond villains ever (Eliot Carver, played by Jonathan Pryce) is trying to start World War 3 to get TV ratings. Yep, that’s freakin right. He wants to have exclusive rights to each countries next move by literally tricking them all into just going nuts on each other.

I think I love this villain because his plan is so nutty and nonsense filled that it makes perfect sense if we are going to call him a “mad-man”. True mad men do not think and view the world like a lot of us do. They are just nuts and their plans shouldn’t make any damn sense. I love that about this film. In a world doing its best to try and give every single villain some sense of personal  tragedy or giving their plan some sort of merit somehow, it’s nice to see a film that just doesn’t care at all. For me this was a huge positive about this movie.

Where Tomorrow Never Dies loses its way, is its strange under-use and lack of screen time for Paris Carver (played by Teri Hatcher). I know that Hatcher was pregnant when this was filmed, so she probably knew the role would be shot lived, but I am speaking more to the writing here. Why even introduce that character and even try to give her a history with Bond, if she wasn’t going to play a role at all in the overall plot? Michelle Yeoh is strong in her role as Wai Lin, but the writing for her role and M (played by Judi Dench) for this one is not as good as the script for Golden Eye.

The strong points in this one are the jaw dropping opening and any time you see a motor cycle. I didn’t like the dialog in this one nearly as much as I did the script for Golden Eye, however this movie isn’t bad and the villain as I mentioned earlier make up for a lot the few issues I had with this one. I am going to give this one a 5 out of 7. The plot was fantastic in my opinion, but the writing and some of the action sequences were lacking when you look at the Bond films overall.


Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless. Until next time.
