If you have not done so, watch Season 1 before reading this to avoid spoilers. This season takes place in Hawkins, Indiana in 1984. Will has been rescued after his vanishing a year earlier but is starting to see visions of the Upside Down. Meanwhile the rest of the town is facing a curious rot happening to farms in the area. Just what exactly in the name of “traumatized teens in love” is going on now? Playtime is over for Hawkins Lab.

In this episode Dustin talks Steve into helping him hunt down Dart, because Dart is not himself these days. Or he is, but he’s not a slug with legs anymore. This is the first episode where Steve begins to show the viewer that he’s not who we thought he was in the first season. Having said that, his advice is just so, so. Nancy and Jonathon fall prey to the power of suggestion and basically Steve is out of her relationship picture. Lucas is no longer doing stuff without Max being involved so the two of them go to help Steve and Dustin.

Meanwhile at the Hawkins Lab Will is slowly losing his mind and forgetting who people are. Is Will being used by a huge creature from the Upside Down? What happens when Will has completely forgotten everything?  This is another extremely strong episode for Hopper and Bob’s characters. One thing that rocked me a bit personally is how close to reality the pain of a father can be when it comes to their kids or in this case the pain of someone trying to do the right thing the wrong way. We also start to get shown what a good person Dr. Sam Owens is. He is literally the only one at Hawkins Lab trying.

This episode is by far the best in either  Season 1 or 2 up to this point. It not only tugs at my nostalgic heart, but gets everyone back to a world where you could call your friend a dickhead or a jackass and they didn’t suddenly need counseling and a pacifier. 

Best Line – “What’s he doing?” – Max   “Expanding the menu” – Dustin.
