What the crap John Cusack? This one starts out pretty much like the Terminator series, where eventually some jerk played by John Cusack,  gets the shaky idea to make an AI that is designed to solve all of our problems. Why do we have all these problems?  Because the same jerk made a bunch of robots to help us with our lives, then created military robots  that made all wars on earth even worse. Okay so now that we are at the Terminator plotline…just keep going that direction in a really over bearing dialog splattered bore fest for 70 minutes and you are pretty much done with this thing. Only in this one the robots win and there is no going back in time.

I am not saying that there are not a bunch of movies that follow a similar plot lines, I am just saying this one does it in a really un-inspired flat boring way. Some of the things I liked about this movie were the special effects especially on the main villain’s henchmen/sidekick Damien Walsh. We also get a lot of really cool far shots of giant robots patrolling the earth in broad daylight. They also made a pretty good decision to hire Jeannine Wacker for the role of Calia, (she’s literally the only one that doesn’t seem like she mailed it in) but this doesn’t repair the problems in this film. As mentioned earlier the dialog in this thing just drags on and on and on, and while it does lend to the story, it doesn’t actually help it or improve the pacing in any way. John Cusack turns in an “checked out” performance  which doesn’t help matters.
If they make a second installment and it gets a decent budget we might see something a bit closer to what this movie could have been.  I would not recommend watching this at night because the middle 45 minutes or so will put you right to sleep.  Come to think of it, if it’s late and you “want” to sleep, this will do the trick. For a just okay final 20 minutes I give this one a 2 out of 7. 
