I have a ton to say about this thing but I am going to keep it as short as I can, so you get that really “non-time consuming” feel you have come to expect. This one is by far the most Dr. Who-ish time wise out of the entire series. So much in fact that one of the doctors is freakin in it (Matt Smith). Basically John has to send Kyle Reese (played by Jai Courtney who helped ruin the last DIE HARD flick) back in time to keep his mother Sarah Connor (played by Emilia Clarke most noted for her role in Game Of Thrones) alive. Yeah – I know we have seen this before. Only this time everything is different because Sarah is years younger and she’s got a friend with her.

Action and entertainment wise this movie is by a long shot the best in the series. There is a single scene with helicopters in this movie that blows away anything we’ve seen previously. The CGI is also some of the best I have ever seen in several shots. Overall this is just non-stop fun and I really can’t see fans of the series or sci-fi action in general not absolutely loving it. The addition of Emilia Clarke was not only brilliant but it helped bring this thing to life. We also get Arnold back in full force with a simplistic but more than credible reason as to why he is now a bit older. 

The movie does leave us with some un-answered questions and it feels like it may have been on purpose. If that is the case it’s not a good thing especially if they are planning on another installment without Arnold. I also felt like we had a few timeline issues in this which kind of break sci-fi time travel rules, but I don’t think it’s anything a really well versed fan of Dr. Who couldn’t explain in more detail. This movie doesn’t feel as gritty as I expected it to and that is also a problem for me. This is the freakin Terminator, tame is not the name of the game. The Skynet designs in Salvation were better in some parts but inferior in others.

Overall this is a great summer time flick. When all is done and said and the naysayers settle the crap down, this should be not only welcome but regarded as one of the best in the series. 


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