I had a hard time figuring out if this movie was trying to send an anti-logging message or if it was trying to send an anti-anti-logging message. What I do know is that a lot of people turn into zombies and now the survivors (all the fast kids) are trying to figure out a way to get out of the “forest of the dead”. I will say other than the fact that there is a genetic formula that was used to grow trees faster that apparently turns people into zombies (if the tree sap gets in your blood or you are bitten by someone infected), this is your basic zombie movie formula just in a different setting. The actual zombie effects are not all that great but the blood and guts effects are pretty well done. 

This movie does feature some superb acting largely lead by Julian Christopher (X-MEN THE LAST STAND, ELYSIUM, CONTINUUM, SUPERNATURAL) as Mac. We also get a decent performance from Sarah Lind (TRUE JUSTICE, WOLFCOP, SMALLVILLE ) which kind of helps carry some of the slower parts of the film. There are also some social elements among the survivors in this movie that remind me a lot of THE WALKING DEAD which was first published as a comic just 2 years earlier. 

From a quality standpoint there are some far away shots that look like someone forgot to adjust the settings on the camera and they appear un-intentionally grainy while other segments are just fine. It is almost as if they gave a few of the camera men the $20.00 kids digital cameras and said – “alright, it’s your day to shoot.”. This one probably fits into some horror movie marathon line ups but isn’t better than a lot of what you could have picked. The ending is also missing something.
