RODENTZ (2001)

RODENTZ (2001)

(aka) ALTERED SPECIES this movie is about a lab trying to invent an enzyme destroyer of cancer but of course ends up making rats want to destroy your face. First off let me say the music in this thing feels like it was a cross between 15 or 16 different 80’s horror movies and it almost looks like it was shot back then. None of the camerawork in this movie makes any sense and even the night shots almost look like the producers just raided a giant spotlight store. To make matters worse almost no one is trying in this movie. None of these actors will probably ever be seen in much else. 

For fans of “pissed off high jumping rats are going to kill us all” movies this one is actually NOT the worst you can get your hands on. It’s also not BEN, THE FOOD OF THE GODS (which oddly my dad took me to see when I was 3…what the…) or WILLARD so don’t get your hopes up. At some point a bunch of one of the lab workers friends decide to just start hanging around the lab. That is what all cool people do in their spare time. That can only mean one thing, and that thing is that this movie just drags out for about 70 minutes of its running time. I should also warn you the effects team in this must have all be rejected by FACEOFF because holy cow they are corny. Some of the death scenes don’t even make sense. 

For cheesy horror this one probably makes the horror movie marathon, but it’s not going to scare anyone. It doesn’t make any sense to give this movie higher than a 2 out of 7. 

