MIMIC (1997)

MIMIC (1997)

Well before Guillermo Del Toro was giving us gigantic kaiju and HELLBOY, he was working on stuff like this (which he later disowned). In this movie Mira Sorvino (one of my favorite actresses ever - as Dr. Susan Tyler ) decides she is going to genetically create an insect that kills roaches that carry disease. Those insects get freakin huge (even though they were also genetically engineered to die after one generation) and decide they need to take out mankind from the one place that mankind hardly ever goes…the sewers? Charles S. Sutton and Josh Brolin are great in this but overall the premise is just a bit nuts especially the ending. Where the film does succeed is in the effects department and overall we have a pretty decent pace. For anyone that doesn’t like bugs this movie is not for you. There are freakin bugs all over this movie pretty sure they even come with the DVD. I don’t want to give too much away if this was in your “skip this” pile of old DVD’s, but it’s pretty cool and definitely gross.

There are 2 more MIMIC movies both of which I plan to review at some point but this was the grand daddy of them all and it fits well into your horror movie marathon if you are planning to take a break from slasher horror or “based on a true story found footage” stuff. Overall most of this happens in the dark but there is almost nothing hidden here, the special effects are right out there in the open. For pre-millennium post 80’s selections this one should be on your list because it’s way under-rated.

