GERM Z (2013)

GERM Z (2013)

The first thing you might notice is that the graphic is in cartoon form. I should make it clear that this is a low-budget live-action film. Also, you may notice my title says GERM Z but the graphic says GERM. I am not sure when the packaging on this thing was changed, but if you are looking for GERM or GERM Z (and you shouldn’t be) just look for the year, 2013 and that is the one you want to avoid.

In this one, we have the military trying to shoot down a satellite for some reason and now a germ from the fallout is affecting everyone in the town turning them into rabid cannibals. A few people in the town seem to be prepared for a zombie apocalypse and others pretty much just get jacked up right away.

Two things I have to give this movie credit for. We know it's low budget and they managed to pack a good amount of action in this one and most of this is happening during the day and outside. That means the effects crew not only wasn’t hiding anything…they just flat out didn’t even bother to film at a time of day that would have added to the creepy factor. While the germ does make its victims really hungry, it also appears to make them a lot dumber (one infected person can’t even manage to get out of her seatbelt). Another problem for this germ is apparently humans just are not that great a host. I don’t want to give too much away in case you completely ignore my solid advice and wind up seeing this thing anyway.

Even the most hardcore B-movie fans will have a hard time finding anyone in this movie they have heard of unless they have them on MeWe or the studio was promoting this at a CON the performers attended. I hope all of these actors get better material to work with at some point.


Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless. Until next time.
