Not a fan of black and white movies? Well before you coil back from your computer screen in horror, this film has it’s moments and a built in creepy factor that might be worth your time.

The opening scene itself is exceptionally well shot and after a brief indicated murder we arrive at the town hall basically where the discussion of recent murders and the towns take on the subject of vampires. I can say I haven’t seen more excellently written dialog in quite some time as the town counsel paints the grisly picture about to unfold. In fact the sound bites from the first 3 or 4 minutes of the film are so good it would make for some nice background to any Halloween party.

Anyway the inspectors role is expertly acted by Melvin Douglas and the rest of the cast is extremely well selected. I don’t want to give away the ending to this one, but if you like to get a creepy feeling from time to time, this film does just that. This film features a superb who-dun-it plot. Even better still the running time doesn’t allow this thing to drag out. We also get some nicely placed “look deep into my eyes” shots the era was famous for and the DVD of this has those old movie reel dust marks in the play back.
Overall I found this movie absolutely enjoyable and even by today’s standards, just freakin creepy. 

I give this one a 4 out of 7. Rating definition : VERY GOOD This movie leaves you with that feeling that although everything may not be okay, girls can kick butt and one man can save the world with either one bullet left in the chamber some special power he discovered 5 minutes ago. This movie is a good time and makes you wonder how many people you can tell about its awesomeness the next day at work
