So back in 2006 Rhona Mitra was just coming off her roles on NIP/TUCK and BOSTON LEGAL. In her spare time she filmed SKINWALKERS. In fact I am pretty sure it took like 4 days to film this thing. Anyway she is the #1 reason you want to watch this. Not for reasons you might think, but because she is by a long shot one of the most under-rated actresses in Hollywood. In this one we have a 12 year old kid (Timothy) that is a half breed version of a werewolf (skin walker), if he turns 13 he can turn the tide of the war between those who want to continue freaking out and turning into crazed beasts killing random people and those who think that is just a total blast.

For all intents and purposes I am just going to call the skinwalkers “werewolves” because I have never had a change to ask a skinwalker how they really feel about the difference between the two or even if there is one. Anyway rather than having epic werewolf battles during the day, these two groups just like to try and gun each other down. So because of that there is a lot more focus here on a good shootout than there is actual werewolf transformation. Werewolf transformation is a HUGE deal in these movies so if you are not going to do that you are going to fail on many levels with fans. So this would be your low point. 

The good. The main characters in this movie don’t even know they are werewolves at first and it takes some getting used to. As a side effect the writers carefully knit together the reactions, actions, hopes and struggles of the family of good werewolves protecting Timothy. If you are casually watching this it won’t stand out, but I actually loved this dynamic in the film. Also in case you were glancing over the 1st paragraph…Rhona Mitra. Sarah Carter (FALLING SKIES) is also extremely good in this (in a haunting, don’t ever come to my house, sort of way).

The uggh. This movie borrows a father son relationship twist from Star Wars. Also it appears that Twilight borrowed most of their male vampire outfits from the bad werewolves in this movie. Way too much driving around (I think they call this STAKELAND syndrome). The cinematography is also not outstanding and the sets are very “okay, lets shoot this road, and the road over here, and the small town here.” This isn’t typical werewolf stuff, but overall I very much enjoyed it.

I give it a 5 out of 7 Rating definition : VERY GOOD This movie leaves you with that feeling that although everything may not be okay, girls can kick butt and one man can save the world with either one bullet left in the chamber some special power he discovered 5 minutes ago. This movie is a good time and makes you wonder how many people you can tell about its awesomeness the next day at work.
