THE HOLE (2001)

THE HOLE (2001)

Between 1993 and 2001 Thora Birch was probably one of the hugest “cult actresses” on the planet, pretty much Christina Ricci status for awhile there. If you don’t know who she is just know that she was in AMERICAN BEAUTY, HOCUS POCUS when she was a bit younger and DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS but most people considered that movie a disaster. 

Anyway in this one she is telling the story of the brutal murder of 3 of her friends who stupidly decide to stay in a bunker for 3 days but end up trapped there for long enough to die violently.
There are some extremely well crafted twists in this one especially after the first half of the movie is spend giving us a superb set up. I honestly would be willing to doubt you have ever even heard of this movie but it is a diamond in the rough on Netflix right now. 

If Thora isn’t a big enough name for you I understand that so they threw in a pre-PIRATES Keira Knightley for good measure. I don’t want to give too much away here, but this film is definitely worth your time if you like suspense and diving a bit into the depravity of what most of us would consider basic human need. This isn’t much I didn’t like about this film other than the fact that I didn’t catch it back in 01.
The entire cast deserves credit for superb performances and most went on to very successful careers including Daniel Brocklebank (The Hours, Shakespheare In Love, Merlin).

I give this film a solid 6 out of 7 for the performances and solid writing. Definition - AMAZINGLY GOOD. This movie is more than a pleasant surprise. You will buy it. You will cry when you think about how awesome it is. If it comes on TV you will suddenly zombify and not be able to turn the channel.
