Taking a step back in time PUPPET MASTER 3 is set in Berlin during WWII. The Nazi’s are trying to figure out a way to animate the dead (like they are in all of the B-movies). They discover Toulon’s puppets are actually pretty much alive and don’t really need him. They end up killing his wife and for ultimate revenge, she becomes the “soul” so to speak of the leech vomiting puppet we see in PUPPET MASTER but was seemingly killed in PUPPET MASTER II (filmed the same year by a completely different director with the same studio). Anyway craziness rears its ugly head and ultimately this one turns into a very interesting entry in the series.

The problems with this one are many, but it does get itself into the top 5 in this series. One issue is that the very people we want to root for kinda turn into full blown jerks, and those we are rooting for are puppets we kinda hated in the first two installments. Just one of the quarks that makes this entire series so freakin weird.

This one for some strange reason ramps up the nudity for a series that had just flashes before this. One big difference between the 80’s and 90’s, 90’s horror was actually trying to scare you a little in spite of its cheesiness (I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, SCREAM etc.). 80’s horror knew you wouldn’t be scared so it almost had to rely on nudity and a lot of fake looking sawed off body parts and a marketable wisecracking killer to attract attention.

PUPPET MASTER 3 isn’t gory, but there is a part in the movie that makes you not want to mess with puppets, like ever.

I give this one a 4 out of 7. REALLY GOOD This movie was better than expected especially after the critics killed it. It does have that “I think I may have seen this before” feeling, but you haven’t, it’s all in your head. This movie was likely redeemed by some amazing actor or actress like Hugh Jackman or Kate Beckinsale.
