The folks at the Asylum are well adapt at coming up with their own B-Movie greatness, but instead from time to time (I say from time to time, but it is actually quite often that they pull this crap) decide to rip off original ideas that have been around since the 80’s. Enter THE TERMINATORS. Yes it is exactly as ridiculous as it sounds. In the future robots are trying to take over the world only without decent acting or special effects involved. Most of the female leads at least appear to be trying but this is pretty much just a really really bad regurgitation of THE TERMINATOR. Thumbs up for Lauren Walsh, who at least didn’t damage her chances of landing a big role someday by blowing it here. This movie is so bad it contains only one memorable line.

On the good side, it does do a decent job in the action department towards the end of the film and the dialog does pose some formidable questions. Sadly, they are the same exact questions we were asking ourselves all throughout the TERMINATOR years. How close will machines ever get to conscience and emotions?

Perhaps the question is how close should your eyes get to this movie? I am going to say not very. 

I give it a craptastic 1 out of 7. Rating Definition : SUCK FACTOR EXCEEDING SAFE LEVELS this is the “movie you never saw”. You don’t even like thinking about this movie but will do some public service warning people about it.

Expanded Definition : This movie has little to no qualities worth anything and likely involved someone doing a documentary or filming from a personal camera. The actors are far out of their prime and the soundtrack was made in your aunt’s back yard a few weeks ago. DISASTER MOVIE and DANCE FLICK are a few examples. 
