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(Comedy, Love Letter To Cinema) [PG-13]
Note – this movie did not have a rating, but I assigned a PG-13 to it due to some of the sexual innuendos.
In this one, an independent sing-screen theater is about ready to be shut down because the owner is willing to sell it to the new 14 screen theater that is moving in just across the street. The theater's workers are trying to decide their futures while Scott Frakes (played by David Blue) decides to use some valuable possessions of his to get the money need to save the theater.
In a nutshell, this movie is a LOT like EMPIRE RECORDS
...only it's happening in a movie theater. Ashley is essentially the Liv Tyler character from EMPIRE RECORDS, battling some pill addiction and all. Where this movie succeeds however is in the humor department. There are a few laugh-out-loud moments in this especially when they do a quick montage of all of the kinds of customers that go into the theater. There is also a pretty funny scene where they go through all the stuff customers leave in theaters. It all works very well. I also liked the few nods we got to famous films of the past either via the actors reenacting them or via the dialog.
Acting-wise we have a lot of young talents that haven’t really had a chance to be in much. We do get Stan Lee (the Marvel Legend) plays a small role as Scott’s grandfather and Dan Lauria who plays Jack Fisk. Dan Lauria is probably best known for being the father on the tv show WONDER YEARS. He was also in ALIEN TRESPASS. Outside of that Talia Tabin who plays Ashley is probably might be the best known. She has done a lot of short films and also had a short stint on Parks And Recreation. My favorite character however was John Dorn played by John M. Keating.
This thing is meant to be over the top a lot like the films it’s celebrating, but the script is a bit much in parts and the acting even more so. This didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the film. You get the picture of what you are getting in the first few minutes of the film as well as in the previews, so nothing about this thing is a major shock. This is more like a low-budget college film than even a b-movie. I will also say that in spite of there being a few out-of-context sexual references that didn’t need to be in the film, most of the flick takes a very whimsical approach to the world of movie and comic geeks while still having a few serious moments. If you have a wide amount of geek movie knowledge this film will be pretty much a blast, but if you don’t I think it’s still worth the 90-minute stream.
Overall I have to give this one a 4 out of 7. I rather enjoyed it, but it’s nothing that is going to blow anyone away unless you are secretly a huge fan of one of the actors or actresses.
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