Tagline: Mutant Terror From The Air

(Adventure, Sci-Fi, Comedy) [PG]

In this one, a scientist named Gina Humphries is looking for her father who has disappeared in the Belizean jungle. She drags along her friend Rhonda and they end up running into a group of US soldiers who are not only fighting with a local warlord, but giant wasps that freakin breathe fire and mainly just want to kill you! Can they find her father and can everyone just figure out a way to get along till these genetically modified nightmares are destroyed? 

First off, let me say the B-Movie is where tons of great ideas go to die. Unfortunately, this awesome idea got into the hands of people that just aren’t that great at CGI when it comes to how something looks when it’s far away. The up-close DRAGON WASPS  I have to admit I didn’t actually hate at all. They were right on target if you’ve seen films in this same bargain budget wheelhouse. Also, any time you had an explosion, that was pretty rough, I have seen gifs online for free that would have looked better. There is nothing special at all about the cinematography or camera work here, but the lighting is solid and the score works for what they were trying to accomplish. They could have and should have jazzed this thing up a bit by throwing in a rock tune or two. 

I don’t want to say the dialog is horrible, but trying to throw voodoo stuff in a movie already loaded enough with plot, is just really strange. They don’t spend a ton of time on it, but what they do spend on it, detracts from what could have been a better story. This is in addition to some of the crazy holes. One of them involving what happens to Gina’s dad as compared to what happens to Rhonda. 

The male lead in the film is played by Corin Nemec who is a far better actor than a lot of his credits, is actually pretty decent in this throughout. I guess that’s not too shocking, he does have Beverley Hills 90210 and Stargate SG-1 on his resume. Nikolette Noel is okay as Rhonda, but it kind of feels like she found out this studio had only 1 other B-movie at this time that didn’t garner much attention and she might just be able to phone it in a bit. The same can be said for Dominika Juillet who is given a lot more dialog. To be honest, I don’t blame either of them because this thing is so odd it’s being marketed as a comedy, horror but there really aren’t any jokes in it. I do like Benjamin Easterday in this. He plays the secondary male lead, Willy. 

Overall this isn’t the worst B-movie out there, but it could have been cool and just wasn’t. This thing lands at a 3 out of 7. Corin Nemec and just the general idea of giant fire breathing wasps are about the only thing that holds this movie together.

