Tagline: Weird atomic beasts...who live off human blood!
(Horror, Sci-Fi, Almost A Musical) [PG]
Note - This one was not given a rating by the MPAA, but I think it would land in the PG or even PG-13 range.
Can they be killed?
I don’t know lieutenant…
So back in 1964, Iselin-Tenney Productions made 2 movies. THE HORROR OF PARTY
BEACH and THE CURSE OF THE LIVING CORPSE. As far as I can tell, that was it.
The director was involved in a total of 8 movies and acted in 6 of them, but Iselin-Tenney
Productions just made the 2 movies. So that tells you what we are dealing with
here. For the record, Del Tenney, the director plays the gas station attendant
in this movie. THE HORROR OF PARTY BEACH is considered a horror musical but I am not quite sure it's the first one like it claims to be?
In this one radioactivity gives birth to some freakin bug-eyed budget craft class drop-out version of the CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON creatures. It's freakin glorious. Of
course, the first place they wanna hang out is at the beach eating sausages and drinking blood,
because it looks like most of them have about 10 sausages in their mouths. It’s
all very wild. These creatures end up fighting beach bums and enduring a sound track
that could have easily been stolen out of 1 year old Quentin Tarantino’s
fathers album collection.
I loved that this movie is in black and white, so they were able to get away with using
chocolate syrup for the blood. I will say for a movie made in the mid-60’s this
thing is a bit gory and the horror scenes are oddly more convincing that a lot
of other films from this era. I will say however, that it is NOT gory enough to
have warranted it’s “death by fright” waiver you had to sign if you saw it at
theaters. Also like a lot of movies from this era (and even up until recently),
none of the teens are teens in this movie. These are all adults running around screaming
for their lives because they don’t want to be killed by Oscar Myers Weiner mouthed sea
creatures. This movie is "sci-fi" in the sense that radioactivity is the reason we have these creatures in the first place, but definitely has all the hallmarks of a horror flick.
If you watch this movie, you might get a kick out of what actually kills these
creatures. Literally everything about this movie is nonsense. I also have to
give props to Eulabelle Moore who plays Eulabelle. She is the only character in
this whole movie that doesn’t have curds and whey for brains. Outside of
having some of the crazier creature costumes out there, this movie also features
the Del-Aires and they are actually not a bad band, just super cheesy. The good
news on this one is that you are very likely to be able to find a free copy on your favorite streaming service.
This movie was considered so bad (or so bad it's good) it ended up getting an episode of Mystery
Science Theater in 1997, but I actually thought it was pretty cool. I am going
out on a limb and giving this movie a 4 out of 7. Just the goofy costume
designs alone make it worth your time if you love vintage horror, but I thought this was a pretty fun watch as well.
GRAPHICS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ISELIN-TENNEY PRODUCTIONS AND ARE USED FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. Please check out the link below by clicking on the picture. Because no one should die buttonless. Until next time.
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