In typical Godzilla fashion a bunch of female aliens land on earth to control humans and pretty much every monster earth has at its disposal. Except King Ceasar who probably slept through this whole damn thing as per freakin usual. It’s pretty easy in this movie because they are all stuck on “Monster Land” which would later be known as “Monster Island”.
As earth’s monsters are throwing down on all the major landmarks, but humans need to figure out a way to free them from the evil grip of these glitter clad mind control addicts. It’s also apparently very important to wear yellow when you are in space if you are from earth.

What stands out most about this movie is the fact that they were able to cram pretty much every major Kaiju at the time into this thing. Apparently it takes all of them to take down King Ghidorah one of TOHO’s raddest looking monsters. Directed by Ishiro Honda, this thing doesn’t disappoint, I only kind of wish the fight scenes were not so awkwardly constructed and that King Ghidorah’s wings didn’t look like Asgardian drapes. There are also a few Kaiju that do almost nothing to help in the final battle, but overall this thing was a large under-taking for its time.  It’s the last time we see VARAN in a movie and apparently that was due to the suit being so jacked up when they got it out of storage to film this one (last appearance 1958).

Destroy All Monsters is still very highly regarded as one of the best Godzilla installments of them all. It was a good thing too. It was originally slated to be the last Godzilla movie (one of several times TOHO was like “screw this, no more Godzilla movies) but the films popularity pushed Godzilla flicks into the 70’s and beyond.  He also takes on a more “friendly” persona in this movie than in earlier films. He’s just a reasonable force of unstoppable nature in an unreasonable situation.

If you are doing a Godzilla marathon, this one is a must have on that list. What made it even greater for me, is that it’s pretty much narrated like a prize fight akin to King Kong Vs Godzilla. 


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