This one revolves around a girl named Penny Deerborn (played pretty convincingly by Rachel Miner – SUPERNATURAL) who has a fear of cars. Some flashbacks indicate that there was an accident and it just jacked her all up. So her and her psychologist (Mimi Rogers – no stranger to horror TALES FROM THE CRYPT, GINGER SNAPS) decide to take a trip to the first place where they won’t get any cell phone coverage and for the fear right out of her by confronting it. First off let me say the title PENNY DREADFUL is pretty freakin popular. There is a TV series now, another movie just a year before also called PENNY DREADFUL, the term however refers to dime-novels or even – pulp fiction. 

There are some really effective elements here like the cinematography at times and the opening but it does take a bit of getting used to because similar lighting etc is used later in the film. There are some pretty wonky things in this movie as well like when Eddie (played by Mickey Jones – TOTAL RECALL and every other movie ever made) is walking through the forest at night with a flashlight and manages to trip over a rock. How does this happen? I mean, I live in the city and only get up north every few years or so and I don’t suddenly trip over random rocks at night… cmon man. Also apparently the front windows in BMW’s are made out of 6 inch thick unbreakable glass?  

While slow moving the suspense in this thing is pretty decent and we do get a few gross sequences. Having said that, this is not one you should put on the horror movie marathon line up (at best it’s a viable back up to your back up flicks).  I give this one a 4 out of 7. Not horrible by any means, but it won’t keep most horror fans on the edge of their seats either.
